Cyber Essentials
January 16, 2023

What is cyber essentials?

Cyber Essentials is an official UK wide, government-backed certification that helps companies guard against the most common cyber threats and reduce your risk .It also allows you to demonstrate your commitment to cyber security to prospective customers.

Why do I need cyber essentials certification?

your organisation will benefit from adopting cyber prevention by reducing the risk of cyber threats. a successful cyber-attack can be costly and inconvenient with potential impacts on the reputation of your business.

UK cyber security breaches survey concluded most common impacts were lost files or network access. the average cost to these organisations was around £3,000, but the costs can be much higher depending on the size of your business.

The benefits of cyber essentials certification

If your business wants to contract with government departments, public sector clients or large companies, proof of your cyber essentials certification will be required during the tender process. so, it is worthwhile getting the certification now in case that big contract opportunity comes up.

Cyber essentials has strict requirements that your organisation must meet to become certified. for the organisations with cyber essentials, it gives them confidence they have undertaken in their cyber prevention.

Businesses with cyber essentials certification can also qualify companies for cheaper insurance premiums insurers.

• government-backed cyber essentials certification

• web site cyber essentials logo can be displayed showing your customers your commitment to cyber security

• potential new customer contract requirement fulfilled.

• government departments, public sector clients or large companies, proof of your cyber essentials

How can Majestec help your organisation get cyber essentials certification?
